An Aspiring Java Backend Developer. An individual who can write clean and optimize code. Like to solve Data Structure and Algorithm problems. Looking for enhancing my skills as a Backend Developer.
This is our Backend project based on An end-to-end bus reservation system. It handles user authentication, create bus, route, book reservations, provide feedback by using SpringBoot JPA (API).
Tech Stack: JAVA | Spring Boot | MySQL | Spring Boot Data JPA
Live Video GitHub linkThis is our Backend project based on SpringBoot JPA (API) through which we can make various operations like Transaction, Bill payment, Transaction history, Add Balance to Wallet etc.
Tech Stack: JAVA | Spring Boot | MySQL | Spring Boot Data JPA
Live Video GitHub linkBobbi Brown is a beauty product brand and we made a clone of its online retail platform.
Tech Stack: HTML | CSS | JavaScript
Check Deployed link GitHub linkIntern Theory is a Online Ed-Tech platform and we made a clone of its online website.
Tech Stack: HTML | CSS | JavaScript
Check Deployed link GitHub link